6300 M.T. OR 1,50,000 BAGS
All types of perishable and non perishable food materials such as fruits , vegeatbles , seeds , spices , grains and cereals and all type of herbs , and kirana items , juices , milk , curd ,butter , dairy products , bewerages , dry fruits , , dhaniya , cold drinks . market :madhya pradesh , uttar pradesh , andra pradesh , south and northern india . the company provides storage facilities for the perishable and non perishable goods to the corporates and individuals . the cold storage is near the town , which allows easy access to the customer . the cold storage is famous for its quality and customer satisfaction across the state.
Looking towards the needs of the buisness environment in the current and future aspects cold storage facility is the need of everyone whether being a farmer , traders or a manufacturing unit . storage in a controlled temperature and hygenic condition is one of the essential requirements of each agriculture produces like cereals , grains and spices , vegetables and fruits for everyone whether being a cultivator, traders , or a processing unit . the storage facility will provide facility to the traders , farmers and industries to use use produce in the off-season as well as all round the year .this will also help in keeping the food products in good condition for the next crop and till the time of consumption .thus each and every area has the need of storage .
The products differ in weight and sizes and rates are accordingly to the space they acquire aand their time like the rates of kirana , fruits and spices are high due to high cost of product it is well known that everyone do not have the economic strength to retain the produce with them in scientific , hygenic and controlled temperatures till the market prices are favourable and the deamnd for the product is created . this is a felt need in the country to provide agri community with facilities for scientific storage so that wastage and produse deteriortion are avoided and also to meet its credit requirement without being compelled to sell the produce at the time when prices are low . thus the network of rural godowns will enable small farmers to enhance their holding capacity in order to sell their produce at renumerative prices and avoid stress sales. the production of fruits , vegeatables , cereals ,spices , pulses and grains are increasing day by day , as the yield per acre of land is incerasing due to hybrid varities of seed and improved ways and means of agriculture . the location of the cold storage is nearby the new mandi , which is only 3 kms away from cold storage and the location allows 24 hour access of transportation in cold storage . there is a huge storage requirement in our state . maximum of the cold storages are full with the demand for storage . the local demand of fruits , vegetables , spices , wheat , pulses , cereals and oil seeds are increasing in volumes and demand continues for all round the year . the materials also come from u.p.( for potato) , andra pradesh ( spices) , chsttisgarh ( kirana item ) , and many other states comprising of many items that come in state for sale by the wholesaler and stored in cold storage. besides this we have a huge population and food processing industries in our area , which require raw mateial all round the year .such large quantities are stored in cold stoarges . multinatinal companies are also active in our area due to good transport facility by rail , road , all over the country , these companies deals in large quantites and also require cold storages to keep theirmaterial . there are also fluctuation in the market prices , which also requires farmers , traders , and industries to stock their products and sell at the prices desired and save themselves from lower prices . to save their loss thy stock the material at coldstorage . the demand of all types of food items all round the year forces the traders , farmers and companies to stock their material in cold tsorage as to increase the life of the product and maintain a 12 month availability
the following are the benefits of the cold stoarge . the location of the cold storage is very beneficial for its buisness to grow at a faster speed because it has all the important elements to effectively fulfill its capacity . the following are the benefits :
1) it is situated in lambakheda ,the location is near the bhopal mandi only 3 kms.from mandi (easy for the traders to send the material at low cost ) ,
2) it is near the karond highway ,which allows 24 hour access , which is not available in any other cold storage in the city. it is also in the centre of the city where you can connect to all the points of the city .
3) it is near to the railway rack loading point .(which is very beneficial for the big mutinational companies and traders ) .
4) secured campus with weighbrige , is also the important element that their material will be kepr safe .
5) rodent control and pest control to keep the material safe for a long time .
6)weighbrige facility is also availbale .
7) promoters & its group companies exposure makes the customer first choice to come to gangotri cold storage .
The promoters have carried out extensive survey as to demand and supply position of coldstorage facility in and around bhopal. the facts of the survey are as under .
1) the production of food grains and cereals in the nearby twenty four villages comprising of 21,780 acres is twenty five thousand metric tons .
2) the requirement of fruits and vegetables , spices and kirana items , cereals and grains by flour mills , dall mills , soya plants , basmati rice plants and local population is more than 200000 metric tons .
3) the requirement of vegetables , fruits , spices , grains, kirana items , cereals for bhopal and nearby areas comprising of 3 million population is 200000 mteric ton .
4) the production of food grains in madhya pradersh is 24,96,282 m.t.
the existing facility . the promoters of the project are established buisnessmen in the field with a group of companies for the last 40 years . in these circumstantes the entire capacity will be utilized.
1) PRAMOD JAIN : AGE 51 , M.B.A.
3) KAVITA JAIN : AGE 50 , B.A.
The directors of the firm are a team of visionary , positive , optimistic , active entepreneurs engaged in the buisness for generations . the directors having a rich experiences of generations and complete knowledge of the field and the relation with a huge customer base of more than 200 corporate , wholsesale and retail customers enables the group to stay on the top of the buisness . the combined group led by the directors has cold storage and ice factories , flour mills , marketing company and a trading firm . the comined turnover of the whole group for the current year is expected nore than 50 crores.. the buisness of all types of grains and seeds is done , the customer base of the buisness are across the country . from the trading and grading of all types of food grains , to the proceesing of the food grains for the marketing or the corporates , to the preservation of the food products by keeping in cold storages . the company is engaged in all the activites of the field . . the directors of the firm has received various prestigous award for the outstandig performance in the field.
The directors of the firm are a team of visionary , positive , optimistic , active entepreneurs engaged in the buisness for generations . the directors having a rich experiences of generations and complete knowledge of the field and the relation with a huge customer base of more than 200 corporate , wholsesale and retail customers enables the group to stay on the top of the buisness . the combined group led by the directors has cold storage and ice factories , flour mills , marketing company and a trading firm . the comined turnover of the whole group for the current year is expected nore than 50 crores.. the buisness of all types of grains and seeds is done , the customer base of the buisness are across the country . from the trading and grading of all types of food grains , to the proceesing of the food grains for the marketing or the corporates , to the preservation of the food products by keeping in cold storages . the company is engaged in all the activites of the field . . the directors of the firm has received various prestigous award for the outstandig performance in the field