We developed our own design of modern warehousing and constructed several warehouses at strategic locations across the country. These warehouses are equipped with loading docks to load & unload trucks. They also have overhead cranes / mobile cranes and forklifts for moving goods which are usually placed on ISO standards loaded into Pallet racks. Conventional warehouses had the problems of seepage of rain water, bad smell due to lack of exhaust system, damage caused due to bird nuisance and rust. We worked on these problems for couple of years and added one more feather in our cap as well as in our innovative kitty by designing the latest state of art warehouses taking advantage of the advanced technology. Group made a worldwide hunt for technology available in US, Europe and advanced Asian countries. It found that the technology available from China was most competitive. To augment the impending need for huge scarcity of storage capacity, gangotri flore mills has conceptualized state-of-the-art warehouses taking advantage of Gangotri flore mills .
As a strategic initiative and to remain a market leader like gangotri flore mills & Packers, it has started a new division, christened as 'gangotri flore mills', solely to fill up the glaring gap between demand & supply of storage space.gangotri flore mills has acquired technologically advanced Metal Roofing System that provide easy to install pre-fabricated metal sheets devoid of nut-bolts along with clear spans and hence maximum space utilization resulting in faster project turnaround. This team put in extra efforts to understand the real needs of its customers and it is now ready to suffice the exponential growth in the need for storage capacity of Retail Market. They are poised to provide you with yet another first in supply chain management solutions, a safe and reliable "NEST" for your valuable products i.e., a world class warehouse, almost "OVERNIGHT". With innovative warehouse building technology that is Durable, Reliable and Economical, your warehouse worries will just vanish.